Post Pandemic Interview Nails

The world is returning to a new state of normal, which has led to many people deciding to change careers. Whether you enjoyed working from home so much, you don't want to go back or whether COVID-19 made you realise that there is so much more to life than you currently have - applying for a new job may be on the cards right now.
Going to an interview can be stressful, and you must present yourself in the best light. The standard interview dress largely depends on the job you are applying for, but good nails are a must whatever you decide to wear.
Devil in the Details
Now it might sound like a tired old expression but it’s got some genuine importance to it. There’s a lot of employers, and we mean a lot, who grade on outward appearances. Not necessarily in a way that makes or breaks your chance, but it plays a role.
Imagine it from their perspective for a moment. They’ve seen this incredible CV that makes them keen to get a look at you. You walk into the interview room, and pretty much look like a confident, calm professional.
- Air of confidence? Check.
- Professional looking business attire? Check.
- Great looking nails? Check… wait… hang on.
And there it is. Your nails are chipped, dirty and poorly made up. All at once, you’ve ruined the reputation that you were about to cultivate. The position will now probably go to that Ashley you didn’t like in the reception area. Now see, it’s just because you didn’t make that good first impression.
Fake Nails - The Solution
Don’t worry though, because we’ve got a solution. That’s right, you never have to worry about losing the position because of your nails ever again.
Introducing the fake nail.
Now, your typical false nail is definitely one of the better things that you can get to put on your fingers.
No, you obviously gonna wanna get these from the best possible place, and we think that we could be that provider. We make false nails that are durable, long-lasting, they look great, they come in a range of colours, and they’re pretty professional to boot. Stick to almond nails as they are the best length for a professional image.
They’ll be absolutely perfect for when you wanna make that good first impression to people, and it’s always a sensible idea to put your best foot forward when it comes to an interview, so this is definitely a smart investment.
In conclusion, don’t let your interview go to hell because you didn’t put the right nails on. Employers really do look for the small details when they make a decision on how to hire people, because if you can’t be precise about your outfit, how are you gonna be precise about your work? It’s definitely a tricky one, but you can make the most of it if you try, thanks to our range of fake nails, because they come in a variety of colours and styles, so you can easily pick out something that is much more professional and sophisticated, so you can make the best first impression possible. You can do this, get out there and get that job.