Bling Trends: Nail art not for the faint-hearted

At Bling Art we are dedicated to bringing you the very best in designs and styles of false nails for a variety of occasions.
With this in mind, the following article really caught our eye: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/femail/article-2723088/Flip-manis-Louboutin-red-5-trends-nails.html
This post contains some of the most inventive examples of nail art that we have seen around; intricate and over the top, these designs are fun ways to brighten up your nails. From the artistic to the kitsch we are really inspired by these nails to create some unique and interesting new designs of our own.
Why not let us know which one's are your favourite?
And don't worry, if you are feeling a little lacking in the artistic side then why not have a browse through the Bling Art Nail range and see what ready to wear beauties we have for you!